Fairtex MMA Gloves

FAIRTEX MMA GLOVESCompany Background

Fairtex has been around for decades and specializes in Muay Thai training gear and fitness facilities. Over the years, Fairtex has become the top choice in Muay Thai training supplies on an international level (Twins is more prevalent in Thailand).

Product Reviewed

– Fairtex NHB (No Holds Barred) Thumbless

Product Cost

$64.99 – $69.99 GET BEST PRICE HERE!

Company Description

Fairtex Originals with supremely natural feel for maximizing functionality, comfort, and durability during intense MMA competition and training. Fingers are split at base for unimpeded dexterity and ventilation. Longer fingers add extra protection to knuckles. Patent-pending ergonomic “open palm” hand compartment for maximum hand sensitivity. Contoured knuckle padding supports safe punching from all angles.

Personal Experience

I’ve been using these gloves for about a year now and they’ve held up pretty well. From my experience, Fairtex makes pretty high quality products. The open palm, thumbless design allows for a natural feel that’s great for grappling. It’s not as hard to slip in rear naked chokes with these gloves than it is with some of the bulkier gloves.

Recommended – YES!